Lastest Circulars

22 MARCH 2013

Following the latest Port State Control analysis of DBS inspection regime it has been noted that the most common causes for deficiencies on board remain the servicing of life saving appliances, safety of navigation and firefighting equipment. As a consequence further measures have been adopted by DBS to eliminate the number of deficiencies as outlined in this Circular.

20 FEBRUARY 2013

The Panama Maritime Authority (PMA) has issued a Merchant Marine Notice informing that Flag and Port State Control surveyors on Panamanian jurisdictional waters will be carrying out inspections related to medicine chests and medical equipment.

18 FEBRUARY 2013

DBS Head Office would like to clarify which statutory manuals on board shall be provisionally approved by attending Surveyors and submitted to the Head Office for final review and approval.

12 FEBRUARY 2013

Dromon Bureau of Shipping has published the 2012 results of PSC inspection regime.

11 FEBRUARY 2013

Further to our circular C12018 published on July 02, 2012 DBS would like to clarify the applicability of the new Chapter 4 of MARPOL Annex VI requirements.

23 JANUARY 2013

In May 2012 the Paris MoU Port State control committee agreed to organize a Harmonised Verification Programme (HAVEP) on passenger ships safety. The HAVEP has commence on January 1, 2013 and ending on December 31, 2013.

15 JANUARY 2013

The Panama Maritime Authority has issued a circular regarding the requirements of Medical Certifications of Seafarers

9 JANUARY 2013

This Circular is a continuation to DBS C11015 and includes an update list of publications to be carried on board ships.

4 JANUARY 2013

The IMO Maritime Safety Committee has approved at its 90th session amendments to the International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue (IAMSAR) Manual

Total Records : 75